Created by Gregory Becker, Joseph Whiting, Summer Roberts and Frank Kerr, Glory Trader is a new platform or trading binary options, allegedly producing huge amounts of money with very little effort.
What is the product?
It has been a while since a binary options trading product has crossed my path and I wasn’t that surprised when looking at Glory Trader to see that the copy is still full of wonderful unsubstantiated claims. In terms of what Glory Trader actually entails both as a product and as a training strategy, everything is entirely automated. The “state of the art” cash generating system automatically places trades for users through a broker of Gregory Becker, Joseph Whiting, Summer Roberts and Frank Kerr’s choice. At the time of writing this is BMB however this will be subject to change. It is worth noting that whilst Glory Trader is sold as free software you will have to open a new account through the chosen broker which usually has a minimum fee (which I will look at below). Read more