Archive for General Reviews

AdvantEDGE Review Charlie Burton Currency Trading and Forex Course

Created by Charlie Burton, AdvantEDGE is a new forex trading system brough to the market with the aim to teach new customers how to trade the currency markets.

What is The Product

The product is a teaching, and training course that is given in monthly increments, and including videos and teaching from Charlie Burton. Also included in the payment, is software that allows to you trade Forex an an automated basis. AdvantEDGE is advertised as one of the easiest ways to make money, and with users just selecting, and opting to use the included software, profits can be made. On top of this, the course teaches more advances method of making profits. Read more

Trader’s Nest Forex Breakthrough Academy Review Canonbury Publishing

Created by Rich Fitton and currently being marketed by Canonbury Publishing, Trader’s Nest Forex Breakthrough Academy is a method of trading on Forex that the creator claims is based on what is happening now.

What is the product?

Trader’s Nest Forex Breakthrough Academy is being sold as a simple to execute trading method that will allow users to make a substantial income from a computer. The question that needs to be addressed is whether or not this is really the case. The service is operated by Rich Fitton, a Forex trader who has released other products before now that have met a mixed reception. In terms of what Trader’s Nest Forex Breakthrough Academy does, it is a rather interesting notion that is based around looking at what markets are doing rather than trying to figure out what they are going to do. Read more

Race Inspector Review Software

Race Inspector is a piece of software that has been created to allow users to find opportunities to place specific types of bets through Betfair’s betting exchange.

What is the product?

Race Inspector is a piece of software that in some respects is unlike anything that I have seen before. The core idea behind Race Inspector isn’t entirely dissimilar to dobbing, a method of betting that went through a popular phase recently which involved backing and laying the same horse on the exchange with a view to profiting based off price movements. What Race Inspector does is provides users with a specialist rating that they refer to as COGMIR or “Chance of Getting Matched in Running”. This COGMIR score is based around specific criterion that ultimately will identify which horses you should be looking at backing and laying in play (with the intent of the lay bets dropping in value). Read more

Digital Publishing Riches Review Stuart Stirling

Created by Stuart Stirling, Digital Publishing Riches is a guide that according to the creator will take you through the steps required to start publishing your own information products.

What is the product?

Digital Publishing Riches is presented as a step by step by step guide that according to Stuart Stirling will have you easily pumping out information products that will allegedly sell like crazy. All of this is a rather bold claim for a PDF based guide (that is also backed up by some MP3s as well). One of the things that I find most interesting about Digital Publishing Riches as a product is the sheer number of claims that Stuart Stirling makes about its capabilities. These range from things that you would expect from an information product creation guide such as identifying a niche, actual details on how to create a product and how to drive traffic. Digital Publishing Riches also allegedly covers “6 ways to leverage and profit from Amazon” “How to tap into the powerful ‘inner force’ that’s really drives you to succeed online” and “How to turn physical products into information products”. Read more

Adsviser Review Abhi Dwivedi & Oliver Goodwin

Created by Abhi Dwivedi & Oliver Goodwin, Adsviser is a specialist piece of software that claims to be able to show you the methods of advertising that your rivals are using in their Facebook campaigns.

What is the product?

According to the sales material for Adsviser, it is a method ethically and legally stealing the secrets of other marketers Facebook advertising campaigns. This information (which is rather clumsily sold as being what “your competitors” didn’t want you to see) is broken down into key details on the demographics that the product is being marketed at. As a piece of software Adsviser is easy to use and entirely online so you can access it from pretty much any device. Finding advertising campaigns is an easy enough process that is based around searching based of URLs, keywords and even countries. Read more

Football Accumulators Tips Review

Created by an unnamed tipster, Football Accumulators Tips is a new service that specialises in providing subscribers accumulator bets for various football leagues.

What is the product?

Football Accumulators Tips is sold as the only way to make big money through football betting. This however mostly seems to be down to the use of accumulator bets rather than referencing the service itself. In terms of the service, Football Accumulators Tips provides users with just 6 selections each week, 3 each on a Saturday and Sunday. These are broken down into 2 low risk bets, 2 medium risk bets and 2 high risk bets (which are sent out each Friday). Rather frustratingly there is nothing said about what the selection process for Football Accumulators Tips actually is. Whilst it is clear that the service uses accumulators to get the best possible value, this on its own isn’t enough for my liking. Read more

The Infallible System Review Streetwise Publications

Created by Kenneth Salmon and currently being marketed by Streetwise Publications, The Infallible System is a betting system for roulette that is being sold as offering no risk strategy.

What is the product?

The sales page for The Infallible System is rather big on creating the notion that roulette is an easy and safe way of making money for the initiated few however this simply isn’t the case in reality. As a system The Infallible System is sent out as a printed guide that is based around a method that is being claimed as brand new however it appears that what Kenneth Salmon has done is simply looked at an older roulette strategy and modernised and updated it. Without divulging too much information about what The Infallible System entails it is fundamentally based around the idea that certain events have an increased chance of occurring after certain runs. Read more

Correct Score Indicator Review

Created by Kevin of Horse Racing Rates, Correct Score Indicator is a new piece of software that has been created to generate predicted correct scores for various European football leagues.

What is the product?

There are two different aspects to Correct Score Indicator, the first of which is the software itself and secondly a betting strategy. In this regard Correct Score Indicator is an easy to use bit of kit that is mostly based around simply drop down menus where you select your league. Once this has been selected Kevin says the software will generate predictions for correct scores. This covers a number of Leagues including England from the Premier League all the way down to the National League, the major Scottish Leagues as well as the top leagues for French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch football. Quite how Correct Score Indicator works out what the scores will be is something that Kevin unfortunately doesn’t go into outside of saying that the software looks at various factors. Read more

Social Kickstart Review Mark Thompson

Created by Mark Thompson, Social Kickstart is a piece of software that allows you to update all of your Facebook fan pages as well as monitor your advertising campaigns from one place.

What is the product?

Social Kickstart is an application that according to Mark Thomas will allow you to improve your presence on social media sites whilst also growing your traffic and leads. As a piece of software Social Kickstart is easy to use and provides several rather interesting functions. The first is that by using Social Kickstart you can upload posts etc. to all of your Facebook fan pages from one place, either following a release schedule or doing it “there and then”. These posts can also be configured to allow you to post to Twitter and LinkedIn as well. For the posts you can get content from other sources with Social Kickstart providing the ability to share content that has already gone viral on other websites such as Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram (all of which Social Kickstart can sync with). Read more

The Each Way King Review Betting Gods

Offered under the Betting Gods umbrella of tipster services, The Each Way King is a horse racing tipster service that looks at providing subscribers with the best possible each way bets.

What is the product?

The Each Way King is a horse racing tipster service that according to the (unnamed) tipster behind the service will soon have your investments producing phenomenal results. This all sounds great with The Each Way King producing some decent enough wins however this is all pretty far removed from the reality. In many ways The Each Way King is a rather typical tipster service with Betting Gods offering near daily selections to users which are sent out via email, usually before 9am. As you would expect from a service of this nature selections are based on a variety of criterion and whilst the Betting Gods claim that selections are down to extensive research, they also go out of their way to provide The Each Way King subscribers with a justification for each selection. Read more

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