Created by Harry Considine, Couch Potato Millionaire is a product that teaches users now to make money online selling high street products.
What is the product?
Couch Potato Millionaire is a product designed to teach users how to set up an online business selling products from the high street online. The method is actually reasonably simple and involves listing products on eBay for more than you can purchase them from in stores, although it is not quite this black and white (and Couch Potato Millionaire really covers the nuances). Harry Considine says that he stumbled upon the system after questioning a character he refers to as “The Geeky Kid” who was allegedly the creator of this money making method. Harry Considine says that he was blown away by the income potential given the effort involved and ultimately evolved it to Couch Potato Millionaire. As well as Couch Potato Millionaire you also receive additional bonus content in the form of the method “The Geeky Kid” used to pay off his student loans in 6 months. Read more