Created by David Houghton and currently being offered through Agora Lifestyles, A Minus B Gambling System is a guide to a specific method of betting on the German Stock Exchange.
What is the product?
A Minus B Gambling System is a guide to a method of betting on the DAX or German Stock Exchange. Whilst there is a lot of talk about betting A Minus B Gambling System could arguably be seen as a trading method as well. A Minus B Gambling System is sold as simple to use and easy money requiring just 5 minutes of your time each day allegedly. The methodology is sold as being incredibly simple as all you have to do is look at two websites make a calculation (basic subtraction) and if the criterion is meth then you place your “bet”. In this regard, A Minus B Gambling System seems to have more to do with binary options than what I would consider traditional betting or trading. By following the method that A Minus B Gambling System shows you David Houghton says that you should be able to obtain an average strike rate of between 70% and 80% which actually seems to be pretty genuine for a change. Read more